Axciton Index

The first screen which opens in Axciton for windows is referred to as the Index. Axciton's Index loads all of the sessions in the last directory used. This allows examiners to sort their sessions and view all of the sessions currently in that directory. This also means that if the examiner does not change the default directory, they will be able to see all the sessions they have ever recorded on one sheet, without having to take the time to change directories for each individual session.

In the example below a DI directory has been created to showcase all confirmed DI cases. These cases have been sorted in order of decreasing percent deception (the first column on the left) with a single click of the mouse. There are 285 confirmed DI sessions in this directory, more sessions may be viewed from within the Axciton for Windows program by using the scroll bar located to the left of the Tags.


Click next to view more.

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