Contact Axciton

Axciton Systemc, Inc.
2825 Wilcrest Dr.
Suite 618
Houston, Tx 77042


General inquiries regarding terms or use of our products may be directed to sales.


To contact Axciton Systems for sales support:

Our sales staff will be happy to answer any sales related questions you may have about our products, send inquiries to:

By email:

By Telephone: 713-789-8245 or 1-800-460-2645 (US Only)

By Fax: 713-789-8327

Korean customers please contact Duke Kim from WooYang Corporation at for prices and availability.


Technical Support

To contact Axciton systems technical support:

By email:

By Telephone call 832-687-0630 or 1-800-460-2645

If you contact Technical Support by electronic mail, please provide complete information about the problem you are trying to solve. Our Technical Support staff must be able to reproduce the problem exactly from your instructions. If you contact Technical Support by telephone, you should be sitting at your computer with the program running and the manual close at hand.

Please provide the following information any time you contact Technical Support: ·

1. The program's name. ·

2. The program's version number and build date shown through the Help pull down menu in the Index. ·

3. The type of operating system you are using. ·

4. Type of hardware you are using. ·

5. A description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred. ·

6. The exact wording of any messages that appeared on your screen.


© 2006, Axciton Systems, Inc.